When creating your scheduling events Calendar allows you to customize your availability. This is mainly for putting in your working hours or hours you want available for the slot but there other settings as well. These include Buffer Time, Schedule Notice, and Maximum Events Per Day. See the screenshots below to find where you can locate these options. In this article we are going to go over each one and what they mean for your scheduling events.
Buffer Time: This allows you to add time between scheduled events so they are not back to back or too close together. This allows you to have more time between your scheduled meetings to prepare or give yourself a break.
Schedule Notice: This is the amount of time allowed before a meeting can be scheduled. For example if you have a 30 min buffer than you will always have 30 min notice at minimum of a scheduled event. This prevents someone from going into your scheduling event link and booking a meeting that starts in the next five minutes.
Maximum Events Per Day: This setting allows you to limit the number of times that time slot can be scheduled on in a day. This gives you more control of you calendar and adds the ability to spread out your meetings.
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